Conferences and meetings

Conferences and meetings

Associazione Giochi Antichi organizes every year conferences and meetings with the most distinguished Italian and international scholars.

Our guests in previous editions:
Alberto Schön
Neurologist, member of the  "Italian Psychoanalysts Society"
Narrazioni 2010

Alessandro Anderloni
Lessinia Film Festival Director
Narrazioni 2010; Narrazioni 2011

Amilcare Acerbi
Head of GioNa

Conference: "National GioNa Assembly" 2008: conference: "GioNa Association" 2009; conference: "Game from present to future - The role of the school" 2010

Andrea Fazioli
Author and Television Writer
Narrazioni 2010

Anna Cinque
Conference: "Confidential story of a friend" 2009; conference: "Learning through play" 2010

Anna Oliverio Ferraris
Professor of Development Psychology at Università La Sapienza, Roma
Narrazioni 2011

Antonio Ballista
Narrazioni 2009

Antonio Di Pietro
Head of C.E.M.E.A.
Conference: "Street Game: yesterday and today" 2004

Barbara Schiaffino
Andersen magazine director
Conference: "Confidential story of a friend" 2009

Beba Restelli
Author and populizer of the Bruno Munari method
Conference: "Tree of desires" 2011 

Beniamino Sidoti
Game expert
Conference: "Learning through play" 2010; conference: "A tribute to Gianni Rodari" 2010

Bruno Canino
Narrazioni 2009

Bruno D'Amore
Mathematician, author and philosopher
Conference: "Checkers and Brain-teasing: Dante and his times" 2007

Carlo Grande
Narrazioni 2010

Carlo Mazzacurati
Narrazioni 2008; Narrazioni 2011

Catherine Dolto
Pediatrician and psychotherapist, President of the “Association Archives et Documentations Françoise Dolto”
Conferenza: "A tribute to Françoise Dolto" 2011

Chuchchai Gomaratut
Professor at the University Chulalongkorn of Bangkok, Thailand
Conference: "Traditional Game Heritage of Humanity" 2011

Daniele Novara
Founder and director of "Psychopedagogic Center for Peace and Attrition Management"
Conference: "Playing with arguments" 2011

Dario De Toffoli
Conference: "Confidential story of a friend" 2009

Davide Zoletto
General Pedagogy Researcher at the University of Udine, Professor and editor of the magazine “Aut Aut”
Narrazioni 2009

Duccio Demetrio
Professor of Education and Training and Autobiography at the Milano-Bicocca University
Narrazioni 2008, Narrazioni 2009; Narrazioni 2011

Elisabetta Marchiori
Psychiatrist and member of the Italian Psychoanalytic society
Narrazioni 2010

Emanuele Ferrari
Musicology and Music History Researcher at the Milano-Bicocca University
Narrazioni 2011

Ennio Peres
"Game expert" and writer
Conference: "Learning through play" 2010

Enzo Scandurra
Professor at  Università La Sapienza, Rome
Conference: "The other city; reflections and strategies for urban spaces" 2008

Ewan Morrison
Television writer, author
Narrazioni 2008

Ezzedine Bouzid
President of the Tunisian Association of Traditional Sports and Games
Conference: "Traditional Game Heritage of Humanity" 2011

Fernando Maestro
Director of the Traditional Game Museum (Campo, Aragona)
Conference: "Game and integration" 2006, conference: "Competences at play" 2008

Francesco Careri
University researcher, founding member of Stalker/Osservatorio Nomade "Savrengo ker-la casa di tutti"
Conference: "The other city; reflections and strategies for urban spaces" 2008

Franco Pajno Ferrara
Neuropsychiatrist, psychotherapist, trainer and creator of the psychotropic educational project "Il laboratorio dell'immaginario"
Conference: "Marcondirondirondello chi gioca nel mio castello?" 2006; Narrazioni 2010; Conference: "Games of the World" 2011

Furio Honsell
Udine Mayor
Conferenza: "GioNa Association" 2009

Gianfranco Staccioli
Professor of Game Method at the University of Florence
Conference: "Learning through play" 2010

Gianluigi Bravo
Professor at the Department of Anthropology, Archaeology and History of cities at the University of Turin
Conference: "Intangible Heritage" 2008

Goffredo Fofi
Literary, teathre and cinema critic
Conference: "Confidential Story of a Friend" 2009

Gregorio Ramos Melo
President of the Mexican Federation of Native and Traditional Games
Conference: "Traditional Game Intangible Heritage" 2011

Gualtiero Schiaffino
Director of the magazine “Andersen”
Conference: "Real space and digital reality: how game and its representation change" 2007

Guido Salvetti
Pianist e musicologist, President of the Italian Musicological Society
Narrazioni 2010

Gustavo Pietropolli Charmet
Psychiatrist and Professor of Dynamic Psychology at the University of Milan
Conference: "Tribute to Françoise Dolto" 2011

Guy Jaouen
President of the European Association of Traditional Sports and Games
Conference: "Trip through Europe traditional games" 2007; conference: "Teaching with traditional game" 2009; conference: "Traditional Game, Culture and Education" 2010

Iain Banks
Narrazioni 2008

Jean-Pierre Rossie
Researcher at the Jouet Museum, Moirans-en-Montagne
Conference: "Around Italy in 150 games; study, research, and experience" 2011

Joao Francisco Ribas
Professor at the Santa Maria Federal University, Brasil
Conferenza: "Traditional Game Heritage of Humanity" 2011

Lorenzo Cremonesi
Journalist, "Corriere della Sera" special correspondent
Narrazioni 2010

Loretta Napoleoni
Economist, BBC and CNN consultant, correspondent for several important papers , expert on terrorism
Narrazioni 2009

Marc Augé
Anthropologist, founder of the Anthropology of Supermodernity and Director of the Ecole des hautes ètudes en science sociales
Narrazioni 2010

Marco Albino Ferrari
Journalist and writer, founder of the journal "Meridiani Montagne"
Narrazioni 2010
Marco Fittà
Game historian, essayist
Conference: "Ars et ludus" 2005

Maria Carla Rizzolo
Head of Turin’s Game Culture Center
Conference: "Game L to R - from learning to recreation" 2005; conference: "Games from present to future - the role of schools" 2010

Matteo Schubert
Alterstudio partners, Coop ABCittà, Milano
Conferenza: "Playing in cities" 2005; conference: "Designing for and with children" 2006

Mauro Caldera
Didactic and creative pedagogist
Conference: "Learning through play" 2010

Michael Obrist
Professor at Lunz University of the Arts, Austria
Conference: "The other city; reflections and strategies for urban spaces" 2008

Nicla Jacovino
Sociologist and director of the journal "Tangram"
Conference: Street Games: yesterday and today" 2004

Paolo Apolito
Antropologist , Professor of Literature and Philosophy
Conference: "Italian Network of Pop Oral Culture" 2009

Paolo Rumiz
Journalist, writer, columnist for “La Repubblica”
Conference: "Travel as a treasure hunt" 2007; Narrazioni 2010

Pap Khouma
Writer, librarian, editor in chief of the online journal "El Ghibli"
Narrazioni 2008

Pere Lavega i Burgués
Professor at the University of Lleida, Spain
Conference: "Traditional Game, culture and education" 2010

Pier Aldo Rovatti
Professor of Theoretical and Contemporary Philosophy at the University of Trieste
Narrazioni 2010

Pierino Daudry
Traditional Game expert
Conference: "An historical overview of Italian games" 2007

Pierre Parlebas
Presidente CEMEA Francia, Professore emerito presso l'Università della Sorbona di Parigi
Conference: "Teaching with traditional game" 2009

Pinuccia Dossena
Writer and translator of books on games
Conference: "Confidential story of a friend" 2009; Narrazioni 2011

Quirino Principe
Musicologist, Germanist, playwright, Professor of Music Philosophy at the University of Rome
Narrazioni 2008

Ricardo Navacerrada
Coordinator of the Traditional Sport and Game Association, Madrid
Conference: "Competences at play" 2008

Roberto Denti
Founder of the "Kids Library", Milan
“A Tribute to Gianni Rodari" 2010

Roberto Piumini
Writer, poet, television writer
Narrazioni 2010

Sergio Valzania
Journalist and television writer
Conferenza: "Confidential story of a friend" 2009

Stefano De Siena
Conference: "Games in ancient times" 2009

Stefano Bartezzaghi
Journalist and writer, Professor of Semiotics of riddles at I.U.L.M.
Conference: "Confidential story of a friend" 2009; Narrazioni 2011

Umberto Curi
Professor of Medieval History at the University of Verona
Narrazioni 2009

Vassiliki Nika
Responsible of the Observatory on Media Education at the University of Athens and vice-president of the Greek section of IBBY
Narrazioni 2009