Street Reclamation

Street Reclamation

Game can help transform and take back urban spaces in many ways. Far from the traditional concept of fenced playground, game activities are practiced spontaneously in the most diverse spaces, and fill it in with meaningful content.

This "neutral" space becomes a place, without a need for a structured facility. Upon accurate analysis of the sites and their potential, we come up with designs offering minimal intervention, and needing little or no structure.

The street of game

Verona has dedicated a street to game. On October 2, 2009 Via del Campo Sportivo has been permanently closed to traffic, becoming the first open space dedicated to game and other social activities.

This citizen initiative has been supported by Associazione Giochi Antichi and the Municipality of Verona, section 6. The Association has designed a space dedicated not only to “S-cianco”, which has been practiced by a group of enthusiasts since 2002, but also to other games.
The space devoted to the game is marked by a red stripe and a circular stone in the road, reminiscent of the “S-cianco” game.


In the Verona city planning, (Participatory approach aimed at defining objectives and strategies, Regional Law 11/2004), the Association acted as consultant for projects focusing on game and its players.

  • In the city center it has proposed an historical path, moving through spaces dedicated to game and continuing local traditions.
  • At the periphery and in smaller districts it has identified a “center” in all those spaces which foster intercultural exchange.

In open spaces, rural areas and parks, with the creation of “Theme Parks” , educational and scientific models for offering cultural  experience through game and the interaction with the environment.