
Siamo qui per la bellezza del gioco - Vittorio Canisi 2008


Ever since its establishment, Associazione Giochi Antichi has been operating with important cultural and research institutions on the promotion of game culture.

These collaborations resulted in a series of exhibitions promoting new areas of game-related research. By providing new interpretation and links with Italian and foreign figurative tradition, the exhibitions  have offered a new insight into game (iconographic, iconologic, etno-anthropological, sociological and historical).

  • Among the most popular exhibitions:
  • "Resuming the game" - street game art from all over the world
  • "Players without a frame" - in collaboration with Museo del Prado
  • "Highland games" - Highlands ancient prints and lithographs;
    "The bear and his brothers" - game engravings on stone coming from the Alps
    "Greek rituals and ceremonies" - Greek pictures and images on game

The Association has also been working on contemporary art, by opening new exhibitions with young artists: 

  • "Arte al centro: il gioco" curated by Fondazione Pistoletto,
  • "Najmom" curated by A.Fantin, L.Negro e M.Rafaniello,
  • "Siamo qui per la bellezza del gioco" and Un paese che gioca"Un paese che gioca" curated by the photographer Vittorio Canisi,
  • "The Paul Street Boys and Ferenc Molnàr' curated by Petöfi Sándor Literary Meseum, Budapest